Henry: Portrait of a Hunger Artist

For a couple of years now, I’ve been doing Theatre Photography for Leeds Arts Centre.  Normally it involves photographing the rehearsals, dress rehearsals and some headshots.  The thing that I really love most about it is spending time with creative people.  People who aren’t there because they are being paid. They are just there to create something.  Something that other people will enjoy…purely for the sake of creating.  I really enjoy watching the process, from the script reading, through character development and up to the final performance.

During the period that I’ve been working with LAC, I’ve worked with Carrieanne several times, so when she approached me to do photograph her new play, I was keen to be involved.  I’m a bit of a Kafka fan and I was familiar with A Hunger Artist, but only in book form.  Carrieanne is producing and directing the whole thing this time, through her own production company.

As well as the rehearsal shots that I’ll be sharing soon, I was asked to produce a poster. I had a few ideas that I wanted to try but the one that I was really drawn to was the idea of a kind of Hockney collage.  We discussed it and ideas flowed back and forth before we settled on the final idea. The final poster image is effectively made up from about 30 individual images of Henry, the lead, all of which I really liked as stand alone images. I particularly liked the hand studies with movement.

Booking Details

The play is initially going to be in 3 theatres in the new year, with the potential to extend to further dates.  Box Office details are available by clicking here:

Square Chapel Arts: 21st February

Seven Arts Centre: 7th March

The Carriageworks, Leeds: 21st March

Theatre Photography & Headshots

If you are in the process of putting together a theatrical production and would like some set/performer photography, please feel free to get in touch.  Also, if you are a performer and would like to update your headshot portfolio for auditions or applying for roles, again, please feel free to contact me for more details.

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