Actors Headshots Leeds: Jim: 

If you’re an actor, you’ll already know how critical your headshot is.  In the initial stages of casting a role, it’s how casting directors decide who they want to see.  Your Actors headshots are pretty much your corporate branding.  That’s why it’s really important to consider what image you want to put over. If  you’re wanting roles as a children’s TV presenter, then brooding images like the ones of Jim here are probably not going to cut it.  You’d want your brand to be a little more smiley. Possibly a bit more upbeat. You may choose to wear brighter colours too for example.

When you book an actors headshot shoot with us, you get a personal consultation too.  By phone or by Skype, or, once this virus craziness is over, actually in person over a coffee, we’ll sit down and chat.  The idea of the consultation is to discuss you branding.

How do you want to look?

What roles do you want to go for?

With these details we can tailor your shoot, your outfits and even the backdrops to create a mood and an image.  That’s what branding is about.

If you’d like an initial consultation, get in touch.

SO, Did Jim Like His Headshots ?

” WOW! Those look amazing Mark!  Awesome Work! Simply stunning!  The quality of the eyes in the photos is incredible.  I couldn’t be happier. Thank you so much!”

– Jim Lanne, March ’20 –

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