Aida : Headshots & Portraits


Aida came in for some headshots for her Spotlight Casting page a while back.  The studio was pretty quiet so we spent a bit of extra time and I did a few different looks.  We tested a few portrait lighting styles too.  It was great to get creative and mess around with a few different styles and looks.  Quite often, time is a bit of a limiting factor, so you don’t get to try any new stuff when someone comes in.

Studio Reopening 12th April 2021

As things stand at the moment, assuming everyone behaves themselves, the ‘roadmap’ will allow Photographic Studios to open up again.  We will be throwing open the doors again for Headshots and Portraits at this point too, although with a few differences.  Obviously, we’ll still be observing safe distances and the studio will be suitably cleaned and disinfected between shoots.  We’ll only be able to accomodate groups from one household initially too, hopefully that’ll change over the Summer.

As of April 12th we’ll be able to shoot headshots for Actors, Performers and business as well as restarting Branding Photography.  We can’t wait!  If you’re interested in booking, please get in touch like Aida – we’re filling up already – it looks like there’s rather a lot of actors who’ve had to put career development on hold for a while now and they too are raring to go!

You can view any of the images in full screen by clicking on them…

Booking a Headshot Session

If you’re interested in booking a Headshot Session, either for actors / performers or for business, the first step is to drop us an email.  We’ll arrange a telephone consultation where you can ask as many questions as you like and we can explain the process and the various options.  You can also download our Actors Headshots Information PDF

The Studio will be fully open & operational from 12th April, for headshots & portraits.  But don’t wait until then as we’re booking up pretty quickly now.

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