Can you shoot Branding Images for an Artist?


In a word, Yes.  I believe that you can shoot personal branding images for any business or enterprise where you’d need a set of images to show what you do.  The shoot with Dex worked really well.  We put the world to rights, drank coffee and talked about his move to a new part of the country.  New beginnings.   All the time we were talking I shot photographs showing him at work.

It’s an amazing experience watching a painter work.  We’ve all put paint on paper, or canvas and pushed it round with a brush, but there’s something special about watching someone who really knows what they are doing.  Someone who knows how to make the paint more than a splodge of colour on a white background.

We finished the shoot off with some portraits.  Within the first 5 minutes of getting to his studio, I was drawn to the wicker throne that Dex had in a corner.  That’s the other thing about artists studios – they are full of interesting stuff!!.  The chair was a must for the portraits. I can’t let a good chair opportunity pass.

You can see more of Dex’s fabulous work here.

You can also click on any of the images to open the lightbox and see them much larger.

Booking a Personal or Business Branding Shoot

It’s hard to know where the year has gone.  I think I’ve either spent it on the couch in the company of netflix or on my bike. Zooming round the back lanes of Yorkshire at 6am has been a fantastic antidote to lockdown.  At the time of writing, it’s highly likely that any new branding shoots will have to be in the new year.  That’s ok though.  There’s a fair bit of preparation we can do before then.  If you’re interested in creating an online business presence, updating your website, titillating your Instagram or just advertising what you do, give me a call.  Let’s make a plan for the new year and get your business on the ‘front page’ of your customer’s mind, ready for when we can all start working again!

If you’d like to know more, click the button below or get in touch through the contact page

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