

Let’s be honest, good days, workwise, have been few & far between this year.  We’ve not shot anywhere near as many portrait shoots as we’d expect to shoot in  normal year.  So, when the Portrait Masters accreditation came around this year, I wasn’t really sure what to do.  The Portrait Masters is an international award and accreditation where the standards are unbelievably good. I had a good look through the shoots that we had actually managed to do.  Luckily, although we didn’t shoot many, they were all great shoots. There were options.  The thing is, and you’ll be all to familiar with this, there’s always the self doubt. Are they good enough? Am I just going to cap a bad year off by making myself feel worse?  It goes with all creative endeavours.  It never feels good enough.

I narrowed down the selection to seven images – my favourite seven, bit the bullet and sent them in.

I’m not really one for trumpet blowing, so, I’ll make it short and sweet.  They all did great & achieved Bronze awards.  I’d have been happy if one of them had, but no, all of them did.

Thanks to all the people in the portraits, because a good portrait is a collaboration.  Let’s face it, I couldn’t have done it without them, but it’s more than that.  You can have exactly the same portrait studio setup.  The same photographer. The same day even.  It’s the person in the image that makes the difference and all these guys were fantastic – thank you!

The Slideshow below is the award winning portraits. Hope you like them.

  • Award winning photographer leeds
  • Award Winning Childrens Portrait
  • Fine Art Studio portrait
  • Award Winning Portrait Studio
  • Award Winning Portrait
  • Award Winning photograph
  • The portrait Masters Awards

Booking a Portrait

If you’re interested in booking a portrait, the first step is to drop us an email and we’ll arrange a telephone consultation. You can ask as many questions as you like and we can explain the process and the various options. Also, if you’d like to bring in the whole gang, that’s fine. We can photograph the whole family, parents, children and even pets if you like! We only shoot one portrait session in a day, so you get as long as you need. There’s no time limit. You don’t even need to bring children – couples are families too!

Although it’s only September, Christmas is on the way…A family portrait makes a fantastic, unique and personal gift.

If you’d like to know more, click one of the buttons below or get in touch through the contact page

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