Your Face. Your Brand.

Last week, Sattie was in the studio for some headshots.  He was after some images to use on his various Social Media platforms.

We all use Social Media now.  You probably used it to find this post. The thing is, it can be a bit of a double edged sword.  Whereas it’s brilliant for keeping up with friends and posting photos of nights out etc. Potential employers and clients can also use it to get a bit of a background on any potential candidates.   The profile image you use on certain platforms can say a lot about you.  Are you professional?  If someone was to look you up, would they see a profile image that reinforced that?

Some Social Media should always be for your personal use – nobody should be all about work and nothing else.  But, depending on your profession or the field you work in, some of it, by necessity, is going to be seen by clients.

The most important thing is to be in control of the image you project.  If you are a business person, you’ll want a profile image for LinkedIn that says that.  Something to go on a business card perhaps, or your email signature.

Sattie’s images were for general use, Facebook etc.  but we can tailor your headshot shoot to exactly how you want them.  If you’re a fitness instructor, lets shoot them in a gym environment.  An artist?  Then your studio would make a perfect backdrop.  There’s plenty of options if you’d like a bespoke experience.

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