What is Personal Branding?

Whether it’s for business, acting, or for personal use on social media, we have become more reliant on personal branding to be noticed and get our message across.  Social media like LinkedIn and Facebook are filled with business competitors, vying for customers.  If you’re an actor answering a Casting Call, it’s highly unlikely you’re the only applicant.  Dating sites have become a popular means for busy people to meet other people that they have similar interests to, people that they like the look of. I’ve shot plenty of weddings for people who met that way.

When you’re putting something online, whether it’s for Business, acting or personally, the first thing people do is look at your image. First impressions count.   The big question is whether you want to use an image that someone shot on a smartphone, three years ago, in a bar on a night out in Leeds?  Or, do you want to control the image that you project? Your Personal Branding is that image.

Who You Are.

Depending on your business, you may want to project the suited and booted business executive. Someone who can be trusted with a great deal of responsibility.  Perhaps you need to be seen as the caring, approachable therapist. Imagine you were going for an acting role. You want your headshot to match the sort of role you’re going for, right?

Dan’s Shoot.

Dan came into the studio before.  You may remember him.  You should look at his old headshots. He was the guy with the long hair. Well, he had a change of image. What a change of image! Dan was after some branding images to use on social media. He wanted to present a more professional image. Something that would work for posts about IT & Data Management. Professional, but creative at the same time.

I always like to deliver something a bit extra if possible.  Dan was willing, so we did a few portraits too.

Don’t leave the first impression to chance.  You know how you want people to perceive you online.  Use an image that portrays that.

If you’d like an initial consultation, so we can talk about a portrait shoot for you or your little ones, please get in touch.


Shooting children’s portraits is a bit of a different kettle of fish to adults and we take safety very seriously.  Both Fiona & I are fully CRB checked and Fiona is a fully qualified and experienced Primary School Teacher.  You’ll also notice that on the blog posts, we never use the children’s names.

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