Sarah & Neil & 1331

The first order of business should really be to clear up the title of this post.  Sarah and Neil didn’t get married at just after half past one.  If you’re not from York or you don’t know the city centre that well, 1331 is a bar & restaurant, a stone’s throw from the minster.  You’d need pretty strong arms to reach the minster, with a stone from there, but you know what I mean.

I met up with Sarah and her team in their apartment, next to 1331, pretty early on.  Sarah laughs a lot, as did her bridesmaids.  I love people who laugh a lot. The preparation part of the day flew past in a blur of discussion, jokes and admiration for both the excessive telescope in the apartment, and the fondue thing.

The morning preparation pretty much set the tone for the day.  Laughter & lots of it. I hitched a lift to the registry office with the bridesmaids.  Whoever was carrying the inflatable naked man through York, thank you. You provided us with a great deal of enjoyment!!

That brings us to the registry office and the ceremony.   I’ve seen middle names raise a smile in the ceremony before. There has even been the occasional snigger. I’ve never seen the entire room erupt and the bride reduced to tears of laughter before.  I suspect that poor Neil is used to this abuse.

Hope you enjoy the photographs as much as I enjoyed taking them.

Booking for 2019 / 2020

2019 is rapidly filling up now, but let’s have a chat about those wedding days you’ve got planned for next year, or even 2021.  If you’d like more details or to meet to discuss your big day, please feel free to get in touch.

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