Weddings at Hazlewood Castle – Katie & Mark

It says a lot about how far behind I am with my wedding blogging when my latest post is featuring a wedding at Hazlewood Castle from last year. That’s right, I’ve waited until the weather is starting to warm up to get you all to cast your collective minds back to Christmas. Katie & Mark’s wedding will be the last of my catch-up blog posts. Hopefully, we’ll be on to some of the more recent spring weddings in the next week or so. I’ve got quite a few to post.

Katie & Mark had their reception at Hazlewood Castle. I love it there, for many reasons, one of which is that it’s about 10 minutes drive for me. It is also one of Yorkshire’s most spectacular venues. With more than 1000 years of history and a mention in the Doomsday book, you know it’s going to be a great venue for photographs.

That’s not where the story of the day started though.  Katie got ready at her parent’s house, a gorgeous old school house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales. It’s sometimes strange shooting the bride getting ready in Winter as it’s often dark when I arrive. On this occasion though, we were treated to a beautiful sunrise – a great omen for the day.

Fast forward to the ceremony at St Mary’s Catholic Church in Horsforth, Leeds. After amazing choral singing, emotional vows and wonderful readings, that’s when we went to Hazlewood.

Every wedding has something that makes it different. Something that I always remember that bookmarks it in my mind. This time it was the singing during the speeches, on two occasions. Firstly, the parents singing to the newly married couple and then there were the tables. When you have twelve tables and it’s nearly Christmas, there really is only one song choice…

That lead to the dancing. Everyone who knows me knows that I love to shoot the evening partying. It’s the time when people really let their hair down and you get to photograph the personalities.

A great day was had by all – enjoy the photographs.

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