Every wedding is different. Sometimes I’m asked to photograph a wedding where the bride and groom have chosen to not have any preparation shots, or perhaps not have me stay until late capturing the dancefloor action. That was the case on this occasion. I met up with Laura & Robert earlier in the year and we discussed a wedding shoot where I only covered the preparations at the chapel and then the afternoon and the speeches at Monk Fryston Hall, with some portraits of them both for good measure. As their wedding was during the week and was early in the season I was available and happy to do it.

The day started for me at Carlton Methodist Chapel near Selby. When I arrived, some of their friends were there putting the finishing touches to the decorations which had more than just a slight nod to Laura & Robert’s hobby/obsession with running. The chapel looked great and the tea and cakes for afterwards all looked pretty good. It was pretty difficult for me as they had asked not to have any photographs of the actual service, so I sat at the back, on my hands, and forced myself not to capture any of the moments during the beautiful and emotional service, which was administered by Laura’s mum.

After the chapel, it was off to Monk Fryston Hall for some summer afternoon garden party games and general all-round enjoyment of the weather, which was perfect. The croquet was slightly ambitious with 18 hoops to play through before the speeches – I think they actually managed 3 or 4…but it’s the enjoyment that counts. That and the satisfaction of firing an opponents ball off into the undergrowth, obviously.

A great day was had by all & I enjoyed being a part of it, capturing the details for the happy couple.

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