One advantage of everyone being locked down at home is that at least I’m going to get chance to get caught up on my wedding blogs.  I’m so far behind on them, that this one is actually from the end of May last year. So sit back and enjoy the photographs from a time when we could go outside and Corona was a beer that for some reason, has a slice of lime in the top.

Wedding at Middleton Lodge House, Richmond

Olivia and Andy got married last year at the fantastic Middleton Lodge House in Richmond, North Yorkshire.   They managed to make full use of the venue as you can see from the photographs.  We started off in the morning with Olivia getting ready with her mum and bridesmaids, in one of the cottages.  We then moved on to the main house for the final stages of getting ready, which was perfect.  The bridal suite couldn’t be better for some images of the dress, and what a staircase!!

Olivia travelled to St. Michael’s and All Angel’s Church in Middleton Tyas, by horse and carriage.  I’m really pleased about that because for some reason, my GPS  managed to get me lost.  If she’d been travelling by anything faster, she might have beaten me to the church.  As it was, I arrived in plenty of time.  I may have parked my car like it was abandoned though…maybe.

After the ceremony at the church, it was back to the house, for some speeches and the wedding breakfast and then finally, out into the marquee in the garden for the dancing.

The keen eyed amongst you may have noticed a couple there who’s wedding I shot previously.  It was great to see Emily & Bob again & I love it when I  get word of mouth referrals.  It gives me the feeling that I must be doing something right.  As it is, I’ll be seeing them all again in 2021…

Bookings for 2021

2021 is filling up now, but I still have plenty of weekend and weekday dates available.  If you’d like more details or to meet to discuss your big day, please feel free to get in touch.

If you’re booked for 2020…

Obviously, it’s a worrying time.  No one expected that we would be in the situation that we are in.  If you have a wedding booked with me in the first half of 2020, you can get in touch with me and we’ll go over the options.

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