Sophie & Peter & the Yorkshire Moors

As I’m sat here writing about Sophie & Peter’s wedding day, it’s the first day of December. It’s been freezing all day. I thought I’d share a post about a wedding in May, at Danby Castle. That will cheer everyone up, I thought. A little bit of Sunshine. Then I remembered the weather on Sophie & Peter’s wedding day. To be fair, it only rained once, but it was about a month’s worth of rain in that one downpour. It also took place during the drive to the ceremony, in a car with a back seat (occupied by Sophie’s dad) that was sort of in the boot. With no roof. What do you do in that situation? Well, you make a temporary roof out of an umbrella!

The weather was really nice at the start of the day. I had a lovely drive over to Danby. There wasn’t a single cloud in the sky when I arrived at the cottages where they were all staying and getting ready. It was good to see everyone in action, everyone was busy. As a result, it was easy for me to shoot photographs unobtrusively – just capturing things as they happened.

Then came the journey in the rain to the ceremony at Danby Castle – it poured down. Luckily though, that was the only real bad weather of the day – it was memorable though, mainly because there was so much of it in such a small amount of time.

The rest of the day took place at the Castle too. You really couldn’t ask for a more dramatic wedding venue with beautiful scenery in every direction. Absolutely stunning. It even had the perfect location for a group shot of the Bridal Party – you just can’t beat big old medieval buildings.

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