Elizabeth & Tom at The Valley Gardens in Harrogate

It’s been a long and extremely busy Summer for me. Now as it gradually turns towards Autumn, I’m hoping that I might eventually catch up a bit with posting some of my weddings from the last few months and Elizabeth & Tom’s fantastic Harrogate Wedding, right in the heart of North Yorkshire, seems like the perfect place to start.

I met up with Elizabeth and her excited bridesmaids at her mum’s house (the one that looks like a castle in the photographs) bright and early in the morning. Already it was shaping up to be a sunny day, which was great because as the ladies were getting ready, it gave us some great light in the kitchen for photos. The Bride getting ready is one of my favourite parts of the day to photograph.  I love to try and capture the giddy excitement and anticipation of what the day is going to bring. As we get older, we don’t get to spend as much time with close friends as we’d like and it’s times like this where some of the best memories are created.

The wedding ceremony itself was a two-minute walk away, up the road at St. Marks Church. That’s where I caught up with Tom and his Ushers, who had just arrived, Tom looking surprisingly relaxed.

After the service, it was off to the Sun Pavilion in the middle of the Valley Gardens, right in the heart of Harrogate.  I’ve been to the Valley Gardens many times before, but I never realised until I met Elizabeth & Tom, that it was possible to have a wedding celebration there.  You couldn’t find a better location to spend a Summer afternoon with close family and friends, sipping Pimms & enjoying the sunshine.

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