Natalie & Zach in Malton, Yorkshire

Back in November last year, I met up with Natalie & Zach at Castle Howard for their engagement shoot. We’d spoken a fair bit over email and I’d had quite a few conversations with Natalie’s mother, Gail, so it was nice to finally get to meet them both. The reason for not meeting them beforehand, and all of the conversations that I had with Natalie’s mother, is that Natalie & Zach live in Australia. They’re both from this neck of the woods originally, but decided a few years ago, to head off to the other side of the world together. For their wedding though, they chose to return to Yorkshire, Malton, near York to be precise. Firstly at St Leonards Church and then the fabulous Talbot Hotel.

Natalie & her bridesmaids all got ready at the Talbot in the morning. The atmosphere was absolutely perfect as she was surrounded by family and friends at the hotel, everyone making the most of the all too short that they’d be together before Natalie & Zach returned home. There’s a saying that it doesn’t matter how long apart really good friends are, when they get back together, it’s like they were never apart. Seeing Natalie & Zach with their friends during the day certainly proved that & I hope that I managed to catch a little bit of that in the photographs.

The service and in particular, the speeches all gave a real insight into how happy everyone was for Natalie & Zach, and I always feel really privileged to be allowed in to witness what is a very personal and emotional day for everyone involved. It was a real pleasure to be part of this day and to try to capture the fun, the excitement & the emotion in photographs for them.

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