Natasha & Adam at Sandburn Hall

Before I start telling you all about Natasha & Adam’s fantastic day at Sandburn Hall.

So let’s start off at Natasha’s mum’s house as that’s where she was getting ready. When I arrived it was still dark, I wasn’t sure that I was at the right house, I should have used the balloons on the gatepost as a guide. I spent most of the morning shooting pictures of hair getting done, make-up going on, the dog sleeping etc. before deciding that as the sun came up, I’d make the most of the sunrise backdrop to get some shots of the flowers. While I was out in the garden, I decided to hang Natasha’s wedding dress from the tree for some pictures… I will never forget the look I got from her mum – it’s ok, we’re friends again now.

Sandburn Hall is a great venue, set in the middle of its own golf course. It’s a dream to shoot at as it’s got fantastic wooden beams and giant windows that let in loads of light. By the time I got there, Adam was already there and looking far too relaxed greeting guests and chatting with friends. That summed up this wedding for me. Natasha and Adam are relaxed. The whole wedding day was a very relaxed affair that was all about good friends and family and enjoying their company. And dancing. Lots and lots of dancing.

By the time we got to the evening, everyone was itching to get on the dancefloor. The band (The excellent Groove Corporation) fired up and instantly the floor was full. I have to say that I’ve not seen a groom dance as much and as well as Adam in a long, long time. I shot a lot of photographs of the evening do as it just didn’t slow down, all the way to midnight. I had a fantastic time shooting Natasha & Adam’s wedding, as did all the guests. I hope you like the pictures.

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