Ellie & Christian Get Married in The Yorkshire Dales

Earlier this year, at the end of May, Ellie & Christian got married in a beautiful rural setting at Newton Grange, near Skipton in North Yorkshire. You may remember from earlier in the year on my blog, this is where I met them both for the first time for their pre-wedding shoot. It’s fair to say that by the end of May, it was certainly a lot warmer than it was back in February. Everything was certainly much greener and the sheep that had been huddled together trying to keep warm when we were here last, were now being joined by this year’s lambs. It’s a beautiful corner of Yorkshire for sure and the perfect venue for a wedding.

We didn’t start the day at Newton Grange though. Ellie and her team of bridesmaids were getting ready in Skipton, on the top floor of the Coach House. I was only halfway up the stairs there when I could hear the excitement on the top floor. Ellie & Christian live in London now, so the wedding was a great opportunity for her and her bridesmaids to get together again as they’re all living all over the country now. As we all get older we probably don’t see our friends as much as we’d want to, I certainly know that I don’t. One of my favourite things about photographing weddings is seeing people with their close friends and seeing how, despite time and distance, those friendships are still as strong as ever. That was certainly the case today and the atmosphere and excitement at the Coach House with friends and family there was why I love to do this.

As I mentioned before, Newton Grange where the ceremony was being held is in a beautiful, tranquil corner of rural North Yorkshire. Beautiful though it is, it still requires a certain degree of courage to arrange an outdoor ceremony and a couple of times during the morning it looked as though things may need to be moved indoors, however the rain held off and in the end, all we had to contend with was a bit of a breeze.

After the ceremony, the celebrations moved over to Newton Grange’s barn for the rest of the day where everyone enjoyed the food, the speeches and some dancing to the band, Downtown Underground. I’m not sure what the sheep made of it all, but Ellie, Christian and all their guests had a great time. I did too.

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