
Theatre: A work in progress

The basis for the Theatre project originated as I was shooting headshot portraits for an actor. We discussed the crossover between ‘intentional’ acting and the acting we all do on a daily basis.

As someone who has a fear of public speaking, I find actors fascinating.   I’m the polar opposite of an actor.  I couldn’t stand in front of an audience and perform.  My preference in any room is to find the darkest corner.  Remembering lines, for me, is just a fantasy.  I can barely remember my full address.

Yet when I’m working in a social situation, I absolutely become an actor.  When we have a portrait taken, it’s a sort of act.  A smile is a mask that people wear, often for photographs.

There’s something else about actors that I admire and respect and that’s the dedication that it takes to create a performance at any level.  The rehearsal required, the constant repetition of lines until they are not just memorised, but delivered in such a way as to convey emotion.

You’ll be able to tell that I haven’t fully curated my thoughts on this project yet.  It’s certainly nowhere near completion.

Please click on any image to view them in a lightbox.

Theatre: Relevant Content…

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